St.Gallen Bodensee Tourism

Partner since


This is how it works:

You can make a voluntary "Cause We Care" contribution to St.Gallen Bodensee Tourismus at (contribution amount):

- Bookable offers: between min. CHF 0.50 and max. 1.3% of the booking amount
With these contributions, the CO2 emissions generated by the offers at St.Gallen Bodensee Tourismus are invested in climate protection projects with myclimate. At the same time, St.Gallen Bodensee Tourismus doubles the contributions and invests them in its own sustainability. In this way, guests achieve a double effect.

How does "Cause We Care" work?


Company Profile

The St.Gallen-Lake Constance region is the political, economic and cultural centre of Eastern Switzerland. Culture and knowledge transfer have always numbered among the core competencies of the region. As a non-profit organisation, St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourism does its part to promote the city and region as an attractive business location, place of learning and cultural centre with a high quality of life. As a tourism destination, St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourism is actively engaged in the areas conferences, culture and leisure as well as One-day tourist excursions.

Sustainability is no longer a niche topic, it is a challenge and potential for all areas of society. St.Gallen-Lake Constance Tourism wants to be holistically committed to ecological, economic and social sustainability. The activities thus cover all three dimensions of sustainability: environment, economy and society. The organisation pays attention to the different aspects of sustainability and aligns all measures to these. The St.Gallen-Lake Constance region supports numerous projects that anchor theory in practice. This is to provide orientation, offer added value to the guest and understand the commitment to sustainability as enrichment.

Are you interested in becoming a «Cause We Care» partner?

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