Hotel Belvedere Grindelwald
This is how it works:
With a contribution of CHF 2 per person per night, the guests of the Hotel Belvedere Grindelwald are given the opportunity to invest the CO₂ emissions of their stay in climate protection projects with myclimate and make a contribution to local sustainability. At the same time, Guests of the Hotel Belvedere Grindelwald double these contributions and invest in their own sustainability. In this way guests can achieve a double effect.
In this hotel in the Bernese Oberland, which has been family-run for four generations, sustainability has always been of great importance. All the used energy comes from Swiss hydroelectric power plants and heat comes from the Grindelwald wood heating system, as well as from the hotel's own CO2-neutral heat pump. The rooms are cooled by groundwater in a climate-friendly way. In the past, the Hotel Belvedere in Grindelwald was the first hotel in Switzerland to be awarded the international "Travelife Gold" certificate for its efforts towards sustainability and has recently been awarded the "IBEX-Fairstay Platinum" award as an ecologically responsible hotel.
The operators of the Hotel Belvedere think "green" in all facets and do their utmost to take care of nature.