myclimate «Cause We Care»: The myclimate solution for the tourism industry is entering the next round.

A day full of innovations and joint efforts for Swiss tourism: At the myclimate «Cause We Care» partner event, partners from all over Switzerland came together to discuss their measures, ideas and hurdles relating to climate protection in the tourism industry. The myclimate foundation also presented comprehensive innovations to its offer for the tourism industry.

Participants were informed about the latest developments of the new digital platform myclimate «Cause We Care». The programme focused on topics such as processes, automation, memberships, fund regulations, available marketing materials and an outlook for the future. The digital platform provides businesses in the tourism industry with easy access to services and information relating to operational climate protection measures and sustainability. The functions include a calculation of the ecological footprint and a detailed catalog of measures. This provides businesses with easy access to practicable operational sustainability measures.

Thanks to an interactive workshop on the new platform, participating partners were given the opportunity to exchange ideas and share best practices. In the area of employee sensitization, the myclimate foundation presented the new product "Training portfolio for companies". This enables companies to train their employees on the topics of climate change and climate protection in order to show participants how they can actively contribute to climate protection. Finally, interesting service partners such as BKW, Schnarwiler and ReCircle were given the opportunity to present their sustainable offers for the tourism industry.

The day ended with a relaxed aperitif, which provided space for further dialogue and networking and brought the successful day to a fitting close. 

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